The Growing Your Career Video Series

September 14, 2015

If you think about how people learn, some want to read (see my new book), some want to listen (see my new podcast), and some want to watch (I’m already talking below, aren’t I?). I put together a short video series, based upon my new book, to jump start the growth in your career. I recorded 3 videos, about 5 minutes each, which go through my philosophy and growing your information security career.

Click Here to Watch Video 1

At the end of the video series, I’m going to host a question and answer session to give you an opportunity to ask your specific career questions. It’s your chance to get specific security career coaching from me.

There is nothing for sale, but you do have to provide your e-mail address to watch the video series. You’ll get the first video today and then each video a few days after that.

I would be grateful if you could share this video series with your friends and colleagues. Click the buttons below to share it or point them to

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