Available for hire
Top skills
- Blockchain
- Digital Assets
- Information Security
Main tools
- PowerPoint
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
Bringing together all of the services across RSM including Audit, Tax, and Consulting, Jay leads the firm’s capability in addressing both enterprise blockchain technology and the adoption of digital assets such as bitcoin.
With 20 years’ experience in information security and technology innovation, Jay helps clients think through the overall risk of adopting blockchain and digital assets and how to mitigate those risks through operational security and proper implementation of the technology.

Blockchain Notes
https://blockchainjay.orgNotes on blockchain technology, bitcoin, and ethereum.
- Status: ongoing
- Blog

Make a jAI NFT
https://nft.blockchainjay.orgCreate an AI version of Jay and mint it as an NFT on Base.
- Status: live
- Base
- AI

Blockchain Learning Path
https://realblockchain.netA comprehensive learning path for blockchain technology.
- Status: in progress
- Next.js

Building a Life and Career in Security
https://buildingalifeandcareerinsecurity.comA guide to building a career in information security.
- Status: live
- Book