4 Old Books on Security You May Not Have Read

May 27, 2015

I read. I recommend everyone who wants to develop a well-rounded security career should be reading. Whether that’s blogs, magazines, books, or newspapers, it’s important to continually educate yourself. With the Security Longreads Newsletter (sign up here), it’s packed with this week’s articles to keep you up-to-date.

Over the weekend, I was looking back at old Amazon.com orders from 1999 (go into your account today and see what you bought 16 years ago). I used to by a lot of books on security. Here are a couple of odd books you may not have read that you should consider reading today.





My book collection from 1999 to 2003 was framed by my focus at the time. I’m sure I’m missing some great old reads that we should revisit today. Do you have a book that should be revisited? Drop me a note at recommendations@jayschulman.com.