Announcing the Building a Life and Career in Security Podcast

May 18, 2015

Today, I officially kick off the pilot episode of Building A Life and Career in Security Podcast. My hope is that you can learn from the stories of how other people have grown their careers. Each episode will contain an interview with a security or development professional on how they got into security and their career journey. I’ll ask three questions of each guest:

  • Talk about your journey to your current job
  • Talk about a key decision or event that had a positive effect on your career
  • Talk about a do-over. Something you’d do differently.

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The podcast officially starts this fall with a 12 to 15 episode season and then again in the spring. If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast, read the details here.

Special thanks to Justin Weissert who volunteered to be the crash test dummy for the first podcast.

Take a listen to the pilot episode:
