Be Thankful for the Small Stuff

November 25, 2014

[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”500"] Photo Credit: Shandi-lee via Compfightcc[/caption]

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, it is easy to be thankful for the big things in life — health, employment, family.

When I think about happiness, it is an accumulation of lots of little things. The person who said “Good Morning” on the train. The waiter who was extra attentive to my empty glass. My daughter who seems to think every bad joke is hysterical.

While I’m very thankful for the big things in life, I’m even more thankful for the small things. And to be thankful for the small things, you actually have to look out for them.

As we move from Thanksgiving to New Years, it’s a time of reflection and planning for the future. If you haven’t paid attention to the small stuff, you should start.